April is Financial Fortitude Month! Join East Kings County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Economic Development Committee for a Black Women Invest webinar, on Saturday, April 24, 2021, 12-2pm. Our expert panel featuring Danette Sullivan-Hyatt, Branch Manager of Carver Federal Savings Bank; Tiffany McGhee, CEO of Pivotal Advisors; and Eboni Austin, The Digital CEO will discuss various investment tools and strategies from the beginner to the more experienced investor. Investment topics that will be covered include stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, money markets, FOREX, and cryptocurrencies. Register for FREE today at ekcfinancialfortitude.eventbrite.com. #ekcdst #financialfortitude #blackwomeninvest #dst1913 @carverbanknyc @tiffanymcghee_ @_thedigitalceo