East Brooklyn, New York

East Brooklyn, New York

News & Events

Boxing Our Way to a Better Body

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Our February Delta Fit Club was so zen we decided to ramp it up for March with a  Box n' T

IMG_9591one class. Ricardo Louis of Ricardio Fitness got our heart rates pumping and our muscles burning during the class - and his shouts of encouragement and wonderful energy got us through it.

Twenty people attended the 45-minute cardio session, and we all got a bonus: Ricardio taught us how to use some of the techniques from the class as self-defense. "If someone attacks you, keep calm and think about how you can use your legs and arms to get away from your attacker," he said.

He also encouraged us to think creatively about our workout: You don't need a gym or weights to have a challenging workout. Using your body weight can give you the same effect."

We can't wait for our next Delta Fit Club session, Cardio Kick, during the Health & Wealth Expo on April 18. Come join us for this total body workout!

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