Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is undeniably one of the most influential leaders of our time. What better way to celebrate his life and legacy than by attending a screening of the movie Selma, one of the only films to tell Dr. King's story on the big screen.
Although Selma opened the week before, we thought it would be a fitting tribute to kick off the Martin Luther King weekend at the Williamsburg Cinemas learning about the events that changed the course of history. Nearly thirty people (including some teens who were able to see the film for free, thanks to a grant from the city's African-American leaders) joined us.
That first scene made the entire theater gasp, but it set the tone for the magnitude of the sacrifices we were about to witness in the two hours ahead. After the film was over, we talked about the similarities between Selma and current day events and the need to keep advocating for change.
Selma is a great film with a phenomenal cast of actors and an equally talented director. The accolades and awards it has received (and those that are to come!) are very well deserved. Go see it!