East Brooklyn, New York

East Brooklyn, New York


Local Programs

Arts & Letters

The mission of our Arts and Letters Committee is to stimulate interest in the arts and other cultural enrichment activities.” We focus to promote, foster, cultivate, perpetuate and preserve the Arts and Letters of African Americans in Fine, Literary, Visual and Performing Arts. Local committee programs include Red Carpet events for movie openings, Literature and Luxury featuring award-winning authors, book clubs, as well as an annual children’s book donation drive to benefit local community partner agencies.

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Delta D.O.L.L.A.R.S

Our award-winning Economic Development Committee partnered with City National Bank and the Ocean-Hill Brownsville Neighborhood Improvement Association to provide useful tips that would help attendees create a budget and build their savings, including:

  • Know the difference between your current bank balance and your available bank balance.
  • Use a daily spending diary to track the money you’ve spent each day.
  • When budgeting, pay essentials (rent/mortgage, food, etc.) first.
  • You can use one of many checklists available online to help you choose a bank/bank account that fits your needs.


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IMG_0150Holiday Gift Giving

Each year during the holiday season, East Kings County Alumnae Chapter provides hundreds of dolls, toys and games to children who would have gone without during Christmas. Children from Kings County Hospital Children's Ward, Mercy First Foster Care Agency and WIN (Women In Need) Shelter for homeless women and children have all been the beneficiaries of these extraordinary acts of kindness of our members and friends of the chapter.



May Week 2016May Week

May Week has been a national program of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. since 1920. The purpose of May Week is to emphasize the importance of higher education in the community, especially for black women. East Kings County (EKC) Alumnae Chapter's May Week celebration provides an opportunity for EKC to celebrate our youth, highlight educational issues and opportunities, recognize our community partners, and promote the community service impact our programs make in the eastern section of Brooklyn.



EKC's Breakfast Book Club at New Lots Library
EKC's Breakfast Book Club at New Lots Library

Breakfast Book Club

When members of East Kings County Alumnae Chapter recognized that many of our youngest participants in our early morning science and literacy programs had not eaten for the day, the Breakfast Book Club was born. With hot breakfast sandwiches and fresh juice in hand, East Kings County recognized that often to feed the mind, you must first feed the child. For many of our young participants this would be their only meal of the day.



EKCloset for foster parents at Seaman's Society for Children & Families
EKCloset for foster parents at Seaman's Society for Children & Families

Black History Month

During the month of February, East Kings County Alumnae Chapter uses public service to remember and celebrate the achievements of people throughout the African diaspora.