For the second consecutive year, we returned to the Renaissance Shelter in East New York to serve a pre-Thanksgiving dinner to the clients there. This year, 15 Sorors and our friends and family members served up a feast and some Thanksgiving cheer. It was an excellent spread of salad, chicken, turkey, gravy, macaroni and cheese, candied yams, pasta and rice donated by State Farm Agent Tony Bragg, The Door Restaurant, Chef Randall Fusion Cuisine, Inc., Orchidea Restaurant and the chapter's very own Soror Petra Canning, who also coordinated the event.

More than 220 men of all ages, races and circumstances came to dinner, many returning for seconds (and thirds!) throughout the evening. They cracked jokes, shared stories about their favorite meals and were generally thankful for our presence.
Some of the highlights of the evening:
- When a program administrator shared that one of our guests smiled and spoke for the first time, after merely receiving a second helping of salad.
- When addressed as "Sir" by the EKC volunteers, one guest mentioned he couldn't remember the last time he had been called "Sir."
- When one patron tried to give us a financial contribution toward the food, despite his humble circumstances. We finally got him to agree to use it to buy something nice for himself! 🙂
Another highlight? Leaving the shelter with only empty pans - the sign of a successful and impactful event!